Thursday, December 31, 2009

"The List"

"You'll be on your way up! You'll be seeing great sights! You'll join the high fliers who soar to high heights." Dr. Seuss

And so here it no particular order...

1. Sing Karaoke (in public)
2. Run a 5k
3. Visit my friends in Denver, CO
4. Learn to Skate
5. Learn to play Piano
6. Learn Basic Chinese
7. Learn Contemporary Dance
8. Ride in a hot air balloon
9. Times Square on New Year's Eve Day
10. Travel to China
11. Read 4+ books
12. Create an apartment with an inviting, joyous, comfortable, loving atmosphere
13. Loose 100+ pounds
14. Complete 1 year of B.S. with a G.P.A of 3.90 or better
15. Be on the cover of "Half Their Size"
16. Make a difference in at least one person's life
17. Get passionate about a cause and spend time helping it, instead of just thinking about it
18. Donate blood 3 times in 2010
19. Make loans to 1 entrepreneur in a developing country through
20. Go to a concert and let my hair down
21. Host Christmas Dinner for friends
22. Spend a weekend at a Silent Retreat
23. Learn Yoga
24. Surprise a family member or family friend, really surprise them
25. Says YES to every invitation and SHOW UP!
26. Write down 5 things that I'm grateful for every day
27. Remember and celebrate the birthday, anniversary or special day of all close friends and family
28. Create my own Christmas Letter
29. Plant a tree on my Bday
30. Find my spiritual self
31. Sleep under the stars after going hiking
32. Ride 20 miles at Ride for the Roses - Austin
33. Create an emergency fund $3K
34. Learn to accept myself for who I'am
35. Before the clock strikes 12 on 12/31/2010, think of all I experienced and then raise my arms up to the sky and with a true feeling say, YES..I DID IT!!!!


  1. Karla, I am so proud of you! This is great. I had been curious what your Project 35 meant. I love #3 for my own selfish reasons. If you haven't read it, I would recommend Eat, Pray, Love as one of your books. It was great and I think it would be inspirational to what you are trying to accomplish here.

  2. Awesome goals. I am with you on # 1 and # 2, so if you need a partner in crime let me know. We could train for a 5K together, and we can practice karaoke at home in the new machine until we feel ready for the public.
