Thursday, December 31, 2009

"Where It All Begins"

Just shy of 2 months I will turn 35. I cant remember many things of my childhood, but I do remember this. "When I grow up, I will do everything and anything I want to do, just wait and see". Well, most of what I wanted to do hasnt really happen, or wait, I havent really made it happen. Most people say that life gets in the way, but I really dont find that to be true. Honestly, we let things get in our way, nothing else, we do it, to ourselves. That is a harsh reality to face and not easy to get over. But guess what, GOOD! Why get over it? Why forget all those great dreams and the miniscule things you allowed to get in the way?

Enough ranting! This project is not about me feeling sorry for myself. On the contrary, it is a call to
"G-E-T-I-T-T-O-G-E-T-H-E-R" once and for all. We all have to start somewhere, and this is my start or at least a first stab at it.

How did I get here? Who knows? But I can tell you what were the things that made me wake-up and say, heck, I can do that too!! Why not? I know to some it may sound silly, childish and even ridiculous, thats OK! This project is to prove to myself and the critics that anything is possible, nothing is out of bounce, and all can be achieved.

With all that said, lets get started! Here's to a GREAT, HAPPY, WONDERFUL, EVENTFUL 2010! I wont have it any other way!